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"You saved me! Thanks a bundle!"
—A Pianta, Super Mario Sunshine

Piantas are a race found on Isle Delfino in Super Mario Sunshine.


They somewhat resemble humans; however, Piantas are much larger and can have pink, green, brown, purple, red, orange, yellow, or blue skin. Piantas also have small palm trees growing out of the top of their heads, indicating that they may have evolved from tropical plants, which is also alluded to by their name, as pianta means "plant" in Italian. Also, Super Mario Sunshine's description of them said the palm trees were to provide shade from the intense heat on Isle Delfino. Typically, Piantas wear grass skirts or grass dresses, even if they are boys. Piantas are generally laid back, quite strong, and friendly. However, they also have a fairly small temper.

Other appearances

Beyond Super Mario Sunshine, Piantas have appeared as a recurring species in many spin-off games and also appeared in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door. Recently, Piantas have been spotted in Starshine Beach Galaxy in Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Sunshine Airport in Mario Kart 8.

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door

Piantas appear in this game as workers in West Rogueport for Don Pianta. A Pianta stands outside the Pianta Parlor while the others including Don Pianta reside in a secret room in West Rogueport. Two other notable Piantas, Francesca Pianta and Frankie, appear as well.

Playable appearances

In both cases, Piantas were available players for one's baseball team.

Official profiles and statistics

These mountain folk are strong, sociable and curious. The trees on their heads provide relief from the island's heat.

